Saturday, November 24, 2018

.Psalm 23:4 I will fear no evil, for You are with me, Lord..I will make it to my appointed destiny..Amen.

 If you are a one page person, this is not for you, you believe in nothing that matters, because your book does not have enough pages to keep anyone’s attention for long. The people that you cross during your lifetime are there for a purpose, a reason, a season or a lifetime , you just have desire what the reason is. It may or may not be something that you know from the beginning, or something that you decide from their actions.

Most people are one page people; their book of life is a one page book, not much there to read between the lines at all. So what do you do with people like that? Not sure, depending on when they showed up, and what you need to get completed.

Psalm 23:4 I will fear no evil, for You are with me, Lord..I will make it to my appointed destiny..Amen.
It is a secret what that is for each and every one of us, and it is why we were sent to stay on earth, to complete a task or two. What is it for you? What is it for the people that you cross on your journey on earth? How in touch are you?

Psalm 23:4 I will fear no evil, for You are with me, Lord..I will make it to my appointed destiny..Amen.
Men and women are always searching for the other half of themselves, how they look are a matter of choice as well, and standards play a lot in these matters as well. Hearts are cute for the lover’s day in February, but they are not made to be put in trash at the end of the month, and you should not wear on your sleeves either. 

There are always plans in place, just do not have the time and attention to all the things that matter, because it has not been addressed yet. We have to take a few minutes to reflect on the good, the bad and the ugly parts in order to see the larger picture, and all the events that are going on now and then. Change is something that I do not have a problem with, it is also about growth. Not ready to push up daisies, and do not have time to sleep until I am buried. So the work has to be done, and the peter piper is the first one out, to sing and dance and be the leader for the next group of people in place for greatness

Psalm 23:4 I will fear no evil, for You are with me, Lord..I will make it to my appointed destiny..Amen.
My life is on the line again, ideals are not being met, and the standards for the closest person for the last two years, have not changed much at all. The story is the same, the actions are still the same, and the mindset is still the same for the knight in shining armor. It is a sad day to finally wake up and see the pigs, frogs, and the cows, and wonder how life could be without them at all.

Horse and Pony Shows.Horses running races to the sun, races to the songs to dance the night away, gifts to share with the stars that shine. The start of the race was delayed for a lot longer than we wanted, and longer than we knew it was going to be. We had been told that it was still a matter about the money.
That has always been the problem, and the time that we spent together, would have to be covered as well. It was not. That is what happens when you do not make plans to do whatever you need to do. My thoughts have been on the kids that have been taken. The piper is coming to remove the damage kids that were not able to tell a good story because they had not been trained to do that at all.

Education:Charles R. Jarrot University of Life and HARD KNOCKS!Stupid cannot be fixed, stupid should not breed, lost causes out of the gate. 7609020855 to date a frog....I use my Rolls Royce as a test when I take a woman on a date. If she ever during anytime on our date pulls out her phone and start video recording or taking a picture with her head tilted to the side showing the headrest engraved “RR” I know she’s not the one.

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